Thursday, April 16, 2009

Writing Prompt Thursday

I'm inspired!

Check out the latest innovation (tongue firmly in cheek) -- Flutter!

Now write down one verb and one noun for each letter of the alphabet and execute a mix 'n' match. Or, try writing a story in just 26 words. Then tweet it (because, sadly, we can't "flap"). Too much challenge? How 'bout a Twitter tale? You can have 140 whole characters!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

3 Writing Prompts

The Better Blog task for yesterday was to write a list post. (I signed up in the final hour, so I seem to be getting my tasks a day after the sell-by date. No matter.) I thought I'd start a little tradition and build on last Thursday's Writing Prompt post. So here are your Three for Thursday:

1. Write outside. Yes, go out into the great outdoors and do some scribbling. If it's cold where you are, how does that affect what you write?

2. Turquoise. Write about the colour turquoise. What do you remember that was turquoise? What smell do you associate with turquoise?

3. Tell the story of a painting. Check out that painting on your wall, get an art book from your shelf, coffee table, or library or look up artwork online. Choose a painting and write about what is happening in it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Build a Better Blog

I blog, but I know it could be better. I don't have wads of time to work on it though (I do have to get some writing done, sometime). So I've taken the plunge.

I signed up for 31 Days to Build a Better Blog.

Brought to you by ProBlogger, each day you get a bit of teaching and a task to help make your blog better. Today it's the Elevator Pitch.

Friday, April 3, 2009

kc dyer, James McCann and Lee Edward Fodi Signing on Sunday

If you happen to be in or near Surrey, BC, Canada this Sunday, April 5, be sure to head over to the Strawberry Hills Chapters.

kc dyer, James McCann and Lee Edward Fodi will be signing their latest tomes. There will also be prizes, giveways and cupcakes.

I mean really. How could you miss any event that involves both books and cupcakes? Well, there are the trifling matters of airfare and family obligations for me. But if you don't have those issues, get thee to Strawberry Hill. Have a cupcake for me.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Writing Prompts

It's Thursday, the sun is shining, and the phrase, "butt in chair" seems a bit menacing. Time for a few writing prompts to get those fingers tapping.

1. Try opening with this: "The last time I was here..."
2. Type with your eyes closed. Become one with your keyboard.
3. Write down the first line you wrote yesterday (or whenever you wrote last). Now continue, but turn a different corner. If your character turned down the job offer, let her accept it. If your character broke her arm, let her leg be broken instead. See where that line takes you today.

Keep writing for at least 15 minutes.